Sunday, October 5, 2008

Online Gaming

One of the factor that bonds me and hubby is that we both love online gaming. No matter how busy we are with work and caring for our son, we could still set aside some time to play. His love is Conquer Online and he has been playing this game since Year 2005.

In fact, many of his friends are still in this game after so many years. Even though it is free to register and play this game, in order to be very "powerful" in the game, "dragonballs" can be purchased to enhance the weapons, clothes & accessories etc. I heard of some gamers spending tens of thousands to purchase bulks of "dragonballs" for upgrading of the character's weapons.

For me personally, I wouldn't spend so much in games. I rather use the money to buy shoes and bags! LOL. Gaming is a form of relaxation to release work stress and to make our lives more balanced.

1 comment:

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