Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My phone

I love my iPhone more and more.. I have started to download / transfer songs and games to my phone and I'm glad that I can do it in a breeze. Now I won't feel bored on the MRT trips.

Bought a red leather casing from epic centre at the price of S$49..kind of heartache, but I know myself too well.. if I don't start protecting the phone, soon there will be scratches everywhere...

I have also started to write notes in my phone to remind myself of everything that needs to be remembered.

However, there is one thing that I have not tried. WIFI... been wanting to take a break at starbucks and use the Wireless@SG but I simply have no time..


Audrey said...

wow... $49 for a case... u r rich meh...

I heard some bad comments about iphone... eg: can't even forward contract

Ivy Tan said...

ya, one thing about iphone is can't forward. But its ok, i can live without it.

Not that i rich la.. have been sourcing around, for leather casing, this is considered cheap.