Sunday, October 5, 2008

Manuka Honey

I had a very painful sorethroat with multiple ulcers in August. An aunt advised that I should start drinking Manuka Honey as it will help to relieve sorethroats and prevent it as well. Of couse, I need to be discipline and drink a cup everyday in order to see the effect.

I went to a Watsons store and a sales assistant of the Manuka honey counter served me with great enthusiasm. I am confused over the grades of the honey and surprised to see the price as well. So I decided to do some googling before I decide which is best for me.

"UMF" is the name of a beneficial antibacterial found in some strains of manuka honey. It measures the antibacterial potency of the honey. Generally, the higher the level, the stronger antibacterial effect as well as the healing effect. Level 16 & above are considered the superior levels.

To summarize, the benefits of taking the manuka honey are:

1) Effective against sorethroat & ulcers

2) Clears infecting bacterias

3) Rehydrates the body

4) Prevents cold

5) Increase energy levels

Every night, I'll make myself a glass of honey water (one teaspoon with lukewarm water will do, hot water will kill the effect of honey). Prevention is better than cure. I seriously do not want to go through the painful experience again. Having ulcers at the back of the throat is no joke.

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